Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Not Hearing Loss, Deaf Gain
VIDEO [CC] - Switch at Birth Episodes: Marlee Matlin - Not Hearing Loss, Deaf Gain.‘Switched at Birth’: ABC Family’s The teen soap Switched at Birth explores self-expression and the communication gulf between the hearing and Deaf communities.
Melody gives an impassioned lecture about how it’s not about hearing loss, it’s about Deaf gain, of a language, a community, and a culture.
When Marlee Matlin walked away with an Academy Award for her heart-wrenching turn as a Deaf custodian in 1986’s romantic drama Children of a Lesser God, it seemed as though film had finally encountered a definitive depiction of a Deaf individual and the often tenuous relationship between the hearing and the Deaf worlds. Television has lagged behind; nearly 30 years later, most TV shows still typically shove Deaf characters into the background or use them as props as part of a hearing person’s story.
A deft and intelligent take on the way in which we form our identities through self-expression, whether that be street art, spoken/signed communication, texting, or open dialogue among family members and individuals, as well as the communication gulf between the hearing and deaf/hard-of-hearing communities. It’s also a show that doesn’t pander to its presumed audience. Semantics “Deaf” and “hard-of-hearing” are OK; “hearing-impaired” is not and ethical implications, as well as morality and choice, are discussed frankly and without preaching. ... visit: https://www.facebook.com/SwitchedatBirth
List of Switched at Birth characters: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Switched_at_Birth_characters
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Not Hearing Loss, Deaf Gain
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