streaming tv show

Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Deaf Community: Seeing Voices

ASL/AUDIO Version - The Deaf Community: Seeing Voices - Teresa Curtin, Aaron Kubbey, Lewis Merkin, Terrylene Sacchetti. Moderated by Janice Rimler presented at, NewYorkLiveArts - Live.

The Sign Language as the distinct expression of their culture and community. Sacks travelled to Gallaudet University to witness the tumultuous events and subsequently chronicled them with remarkable sympathy and insight in his book "Seeing Voices".

This panel, moderated by Janice Rimler, will focus a variety of such voices on Sacks' contributions to the wider discourse between the hearing and the Deaf.

Seeing Voices - With Seeing Voices, Dr. Sacks launches on a journey into the world of the Deaf, which he explores with the same passion and insight that have illuminated other human conditions for his readers everywhere.

Seeing Voices begins with the history of Deaf people in the United States, the often outrageous ways in which they have been seen and treated in the past, and their continuing struggle for acceptance in a hearing world. And it examines the amazing and beautiful visual language of the DeafSign–which has only in the past decade been recognized fully as a language–linguistically complete, rich, and as expressive as any spoken language. ...READ MORE:

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