streaming tv show

Monday, September 2, 2013

Learn ASL As I Learn ASL! Life As A Deaf Girl

VIDEO [ASL/CC] - Learn ASL As I Learn ASL! Life as a Deaf Girl.

Calen Wright's new video on YouTube to educate the Oralism and Hearing community. To see just how different, watch and learn from the educational video.

Calen Wright, who is a deaf, which is issuing a call to action, inviting community to be part of the solution to explain why she is doing a good cause, to educating and awareness about the life as a Deaf. Please watch & share!

(Translation in description)

I'm Deaf. I was born deaf and raised to be oral with the help of speech therapy. At age three, I received hearing aids for the first time. My life was bombarded with magical sound.

Now, for three years I have been taking ASL. When the doctor diagnosed that I was deaf, my mom cried and cried. Her heart wrenched. She denied, "It's a lie! My baby girl is hearing. It must be a mistake!" Yet, it was true.

After I received hearing aids, two years later I entered Kindergarten in a mainstreamed private college preparatory school called Webb School. Socially, school was hard. It still is. I hated the noisy cafeteria.

Whenever I tried talking to people, I couldn't hear what they said back, responding with "I can't hear you." Other people would say, "Oh, I'm sorry." I'd have communication failures. I struggled to make friends. I was different.

People would look at me and be intimidated because I was deaf. I wanted to connect with people, but when I tried to open up to others, I couldn't do it. Then, I discovered Deaf Culture. My search was done. I felt like I could fit in and be a part of a group. I found my identity.

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