Monday, September 2, 2013
Learn ASL As I Learn ASL! Life As A Deaf Girl
VIDEO [ASL/CC] - Learn ASL As I Learn ASL! Life as a Deaf Girl.Calen Wright's new video on YouTube to educate the Oralism and Hearing community. To see just how different, watch and learn from the educational video.
Calen Wright, who is a deaf, which is issuing a call to action, inviting community to be part of the solution to explain why she is doing a good cause, to educating and awareness about the life as a Deaf. Please watch & share!
(Translation in description)
I'm Deaf. I was born deaf and raised to be oral with the help of speech therapy. At age three, I received hearing aids for the first time. My life was bombarded with magical sound.
Now, for three years I have been taking ASL. When the doctor diagnosed that I was deaf, my mom cried and cried. Her heart wrenched. She denied, "It's a lie! My baby girl is hearing. It must be a mistake!" Yet, it was true.
After I received hearing aids, two years later I entered Kindergarten in a mainstreamed private college preparatory school called Webb School. Socially, school was hard. It still is. I hated the noisy cafeteria.
Whenever I tried talking to people, I couldn't hear what they said back, responding with "I can't hear you." Other people would say, "Oh, I'm sorry." I'd have communication failures. I struggled to make friends. I was different.
People would look at me and be intimidated because I was deaf. I wanted to connect with people, but when I tried to open up to others, I couldn't do it. Then, I discovered Deaf Culture. My search was done. I felt like I could fit in and be a part of a group. I found my identity.
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