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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Deaf Newcomers Signed O' Canada in ASL

VIDEO [CC] - Deaf Newcomers Signed O' Canada in American Sign Language. New program helps Deaf newcomers to Canada.

LONDON, Ontario - CTV News - Many newcomers to Canada and to London have challenges communicating in our city. But imagine the the challenge for those who don't understand English and who are also Deaf.

It's a huge barrier, that was closed with a celebration on Wednesday. The first participants in the Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) program were on hand for the official launch of the program supporting them.

Operated by the Canadian Hearing Society, with the support of government agencies and a local church, it was created due to a growing need in London.

While the number of Deaf and sign language-challenged immigrants in our city remains small - those here - often feel greatly isolated.

The Canadian Hearing Society launched new LINC program in London, Ontario to assist newcomers who are Deaf, deafened or hard of hearing . As part of the program launch and in celebration of International Week of the Deaf, students in the inaugural LINC program signed "O Canada" in American Sign Language (ASL).

While the number of Deaf and sign language-challenged immigrants in our city remains small - those here - often feel greatly isolated.

One participant in the new program spoke to us through an interpreters about his intial experience in the Forest City. Unable to speak English or French, or understand North American Sign Language, he admits it was frightening. ... Read more story

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